金沙薯條 Salted Egg Fries
  • 冷凍薯條250g
  • 鹹鴨蛋黃 3 顆
  • 蒜頭 20 g
  • 青蔥 1 支
  • 帕瑪森起司適量
  • 250g frozen French fries
  • 3 salted duck egg yolks
  • 20g garlic
  • 1 green onion
  • Parmesan cheese to taste
  • Chopped parsley to taste
  1. 將市售的冷凍薯條或新鮮馬鈴薯炸成薯條備用。​
  2. 3顆鹹鴨蛋黃用刀柄壓碎成泥、1顆鹹蛋白切末,蒜頭一球切末備用。
  3. 起鍋加熱油1湯勺,放入鹹蛋黃泥炒至起泡後,放入蛋白末炒勻,最後加入蒜末拌炒。
  4. 蛋黃醬淋在薯條上、拌入帕瑪森起司粉即完成。
  1. Fry store-bought frozen fries or fresh potatoes until crispy, then set aside.
  2. Crush 3 salted duck egg yolks into a paste using the handle of a knife. Finely chop 1 salted egg white. Mince a whole bulb of garlic and set aside. 
  3. Heat 1 tablespoon of oil in a pan. Add the salted egg yolk paste and fry until it starts to bubble. Add chopped egg white and stir well. Then, add the minced garlic and stir-fry.
  4. Pour the salted egg yolk sauce over the fries. Mix in some parmesan cheese powder and sprinkle with chopped parsley before serving.
金沙豆腐 Salted Egg Tofu
  • 板豆腐 1 個
  • 鹹鴨蛋黃 2 顆
  • 鹹鴨蛋白 1 顆
  • 青蔥 1  支 
  • 香菜 1 把
  • 辣椒 2 條
  • 糖1/4茶匙、鹽1/4、芝麻油適量
  • 1 block of firm tofu
  • 2 salted duck egg yolks
  • 1 salted duck egg white
  • 1 stalk of green onion
  • A handful of cilantro
  • 2 chili peppers
  • 1/4 teaspoon sugar, 1/4 teaspoon salt, and sesame oil to taste
  1. 1塊板豆腐切丁、2顆鹹鴨蛋黃壓成泥、1顆鹹蛋白、2條辣椒、1支蔥、適量香菜切末備用。
  2. 豆腐丁擦乾水分油煎至酥脆,再放入鹹蛋黃泥、少許沙拉油,拌炒至起泡。
  3. 陸續放入蛋白末、辣椒末、蔥末、香菜末 拌炒。
  4. 再加入少許糖、鹽、芝麻油拌勻即完成。

  1. Cut 1 block of firm tofu into cubes. Crush 2 salted duck egg yolks into a paste. Finely chop 1 salted egg white, 2 chili peppers, 1 green onion, and a suitable amount of cilantro.
  2. Pat the tofu cubes dry and pan-fry until crispy. Add the salted egg yolk paste and a small amount of salad oil, stir-frying until it begins to bubbles.
  3. Gradually mix in the chopped egg white, chopped chili, chopped green onion, and chopped cilantro, continuing to stir-fry.
  4. Add a small amount of sugar, salt, and sesame oil, and mix well to combine.